So after Summer Program was finished, I finally managed to make my way back to my home town of Chicago, Ill. I spent a little over a week there. There were so many folks that I wanted to see and didn't get a chance to do so. If any of you are reading the blog, I'm so sorry and do hope to make some more visits home in the near future... ( I should probably invest in a planner for trips so that I can make time to see everyone one. Chicago, I feel is where I'm more than likely going to settle down at. I get the yearning to come home a lot, but there is so much for me to explore and its that sense of adventure that keeps me traveling. The folks below are people whom I was able to catch up with! Each one of them represents a different part of my life ( except the little boy in pictures 1 and 5, he ain't mine LMAO!!!) I haven't posted in so long so please excuse the shortness of this post..

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