Saturday, April 9, 2011

Spartans Prepare for Eternal Glory

And the battle's just begun, There's many lost, but tell me who has won
The trench is dug within our hearts, And mothers, children, brothers, sisters
Torn apart, Sunday, Bloody Sunday, Sunday, Bloody Sunday
- U2 
  This morning 5:15 a.m. I set off for Asheboro, NC, where Rugged Maniac   was being hosted this month. For those that have never heard of rugged maniac, its okay.. I didn't know what it was prior to seeing it over on the panel of advertisement that Facebook has. Anyhow... it is one of the most intense 5k races out there.
Below is a map of the obstacle course and the list of things one needs to surpass in order to gain Eternal Glory
1. Army crawls underneath Barbed-wire in mud
2.  Overcome a Labyrinth of Pipes that obstruct your path 
3.  Jump over and climb under 3ft walls 
4.  Army crawl through a metal man hole 
5. High step through tires and run through a maze of hanging swinging tires 
6. Climb up Cargo Net 
7. Walk the Plank across a pool of muddy water
8.Climb 5ft walls
9. Jump over two large camp fires 
10. Climb 7ft walls 
11 Army crawl under barbed wire 
12. Walk the plank again 
13. Climb up to the top of the slide that sends you into 4.5 ft of dirty ass water 
14. Get over 6 barriers in the water 
15. climb the slippery yet steep mountain of mud 
16. Finish 
I didn't prepare as much as I should have for the race. My legs and stamina went within the first mile. Running in mud is exhausting... then having to lift yourself  and do all these crazy things it was nuts.  It was a lot of fun though..... except for the part at the end when I thought I was going to drown!!

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