With time much deserved off for the holiday vacation, I've turned my attention to my side hobby of film. Part of the film school application process is to create a portfolio with projects that I have worked on! At the moment I have 1 project. Citizen Schools Summer Institute Video But I just begin work on a video/documentary for a Music group here in North Carolina called the Big Chill! They are a Alternative Hip Hop group in the Raleigh/Durham area. Last night was my first filming take with the group! About 4 to 5 hours in the studio as the group work on tracks on their Sophomore album currently titled TMZ... which is named after a celebrity gossip website that talks about all the dumb trouble celebs get into. Each track is currently named after a celeb that has had a sudden misfortune (i.e. Wesley Snipes.... though one track is name Columbus Short... which is funny but I don't know if he's had any trouble. Anyhow....
Following this first filming day... I spent today loading footage on to my hard drive and actually looking at the footage I had gotten.. This project is kind of organic and is forming as I go, I plan to go next week for another session with the group!
But for all you On the Move followers here are some goodies for you:
1. The Link to The Big Chill first album: My Mix Tape Ran Away
2. Below is a sample of the Intro to the Film Documentary we're working on.. its about 25 seconds but kind of exciting because its progress lol!!! Enjoy